
<a href="http://silvercreek78250.blogspot.com/">Dave</a>
Your Host

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Celebrity Sighting Report: Cousin Itt

My wife and I had to make a quick run into Garden Ridge this afternoon and I'm not even talking about the one on the fancy side of town. You'd never expect to see anyone famous over by our neck of the woods, like George Strait, Timmy Duncan or Chris Marrou. But we did get sort of a thrill for a moment or two.As we walked down the aisle, we thought for sure we had come upon Cousin Itt from the Addams Family. Oh sure, there was no hat, but some celebrities try to look a little different in order to disguise their appearance from loyal fans.Lo and behold, it was just some small lady with long hair. Strange.

1 comment:

Albatross said...

I suppose it's better than seeing Thing in the store.

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San Antonio, TX, United States
I love to observe the odd things happening around me as I go about my day. I especially like it when I can get a picture of people being themselves. Here, I attempt to report the various people and events I have encountered in my neighborhood, and my city. I'd also love to hear from you. Feel free to e-mail your experiences and photos of life in San Antonio.

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