
<a href="http://silvercreek78250.blogspot.com/">Dave</a>
Your Host

Thursday, June 19, 2008

GNWCIA Meeting Report: My Notes...

Talk about smooth and efficient! My wife and I headed down to the Lodge of the Great Northwest to attend the meeting of the board of directors of the GNW Community Improvement Association (GNWCIA), and it was wrapped up and we were on our way in under an hour. Outstanding! No bickering or infighting, no ridiculous interruptions asking to consult the lawyer; just honest, volunteer members trying to do the business of the association. I'm a huge fan of that. So here goes with a quick recap if you care...

  • We heard from one resident asking about a financial report that hasn't been presented.
  • After that, the meeting was called to order and the community manager gave the report:
  • Some residents have asked to see the ballots of the recent failed election. These ballots have been secured in binders to keep them from being tampered with and now arrangements are being made for the interested parties to review them. On a personal note, I have to question going through the expense of this. Simply put, the ballots are irrelevant becasue no quorum was reached. Yes, the board chose to appoint the top three vote-getters from the ballots submitted, but they were not required to do so. Therefore, the only possible conclusion that I can draw from this is that some resident(s) want to see my personal votes. Well, let's save everyone a lot of money. Why not simply take note of the election signs people put in thier yards (you know, Vote for Smith, Jones and Schmedly), then the people who have the most signs posted on lawns win the election - and everybody knows everybody elses vote. Short of that, I thought it was a secret ballot.
  • Financial report is almost ready to be delivered to the baord. Some issues with a past office member have created a problem with the accounting. They are working to get it fixed. C'Mon people. If you expect some foul play, then call the police. Otherwise, give it a rest.
  • Swimming has increased more than 3X the number ofver last year. Last year it rained every day. Today it was 102 degrees. You do the math.
  • A pipe broke in a pool pump and a vending machine was vandalized.
  • People are having a hard time adjusting to the new garbage collection system. Folks are parking their cans directly in front of thier garages. This is a no-no, per the City of San Antonio. Your ticket is forthcoming. The next edition of Passages will have some creative ideas on how to store your cans.
  • Greenbelt between Timberwilde and Tezel is getting cleaned up this week. Workers are clearing spaces behind privacy fences to avoid fire hazard. FYI: some kids tried to light the place on fire and an alert resident busted them and put out the fire.
I'd like to point out that this format of having the Community Manager provide slides and the report for all departments is the way to go. Not that we don't like to hear from the department heads, but this is smooth, efficient and on track. Kudos to Darin.

There were no committee reports other than it was announced that the GNWatch meetings will be starting at 6:30 PM, last Wednesday of each month versus 7:30PM. One person said that she had not received an e-mail stating that change so perhaps it was lost in the Internet. If you know someone on the Watch, let them know that next Wednesday it will be at 6:30PM at the lodge.

That's it. And now you know enough to pay your monthly Homeowner's fee!


Anonymous said...

It was “interesting” that someone knew in advance about the “cleanup” behind fences*. By cutting down some small oak trees, walnut trees, other green, standing trees and green native bushes (i.e., Turk’s Cap), and trimming large branches off of my trees (namely, a fig tree and walnut trees) that were over the top of my fence, the “cleanup” only was successful in removing those things that keep kids from wandering around behind our fences. The very things that could be ignited most easily by mischievous kids, such as small chunks of branches and old wood from trees and leaves that cover the ground, were not removed. Why wasn’t the money spent for cleanup of the various and sundry kinds of trash that litters the creek-bottom? Why weren’t those things removed so as to actually improve the appearance of the neighborhood? That is my concern. I am sorry to say that some good but misguided intentions don’t always or seldom lead to good results. One more thing - destroying scenic, natural green bushes and trees does not endear the elected and hired folks of The Great Northwest Community Improvement Association, who I pay or vote into office, to my heart.

* Greenbelt between Timberwilde and Tezel is getting cleaned up this week. Workers are clearing spaces behind privacy fences to avoid fire hazard. FYI: some kids tried to light the place on fire and an alert resident busted them and put out the fire.

Dave said...

It was “interesting” that someone knew in advance about the “cleanup” behind fences*.

Why is it "interesting" that someone knew in advance? If you attend the board meetings like I do, you hear about all sorts of information related to what is happening in the community. But I understand that not everyone can attend, so I'm happy to let readers know about it here.

I'm sorry you weren't happy with the people clearing out the greenbelt and making it safer, but I suspect many of your neighbors in that area appreciate it.

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San Antonio, TX, United States
I love to observe the odd things happening around me as I go about my day. I especially like it when I can get a picture of people being themselves. Here, I attempt to report the various people and events I have encountered in my neighborhood, and my city. I'd also love to hear from you. Feel free to e-mail your experiences and photos of life in San Antonio.

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