
<a href="http://silvercreek78250.blogspot.com/">Dave</a>
Your Host

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Gratitude Campaign...

If you haven't seen the video or the web page for The Gratitude Campaign, please take a minute to check it out here.

You inevitably pass service members in the airport and even when you have no idea where they are coming from or going to, I think it is a good idea to say "thanks".
Take it from me, you'll feel really good when you do.


Blonde Goddess said...

That's such a wonderful clip to watch. You're absolutely right...it's not about politics...it's about people. People making a sacrifice...

Thanks for sharing that with us...

Anonymous said...

I've never seen that before. Thank you for posting it.

Anonymous said...

The evening my tech school class graduated finished our Phase II training, we all went to Olive Garden, supervisor included. We noticed the women in the table next to us looking over and smiling with great pride as the waiter brought each of us out a glass of red vine. The women raised their glasses and said "To you fine Airmen, thank you for your service," I'd be lying if i didn't say everyone at the tables eyes were dry. As it turns out, their husbands all had been in the military. At the end of the evening, they walk us out, each gave us a hug and a kiss on the cheek and said "God bless you" and left. I'll never forget that as long as I live.

Dave said...

You won't forget it, and neither will those ladies.

Anonymous said...

One of my fondest memories was a day I was at Ft Sam. I was having lunch at the exchange amidst a group of Army service members. A lady approached me with a smile and a handshake then she looked right at me, said "thank you" and placed a coin in my hand. By the time I read it's inscription she was nowhere to be seen. It read: Thank you, from a grateful citizen. Shortly after I retired I passed it on to my brother-in-law who is an Army Chaplain Assistant and was getting ready to deploy to Iraq.


Anonymous said...

sir..every once in awhile..your blogs have that certain comments that make you stop and think...well this totally made me STOP..i am glad you have this blog..for this video..made me cry..i thought i was the only goof..who had these feelings..when approaching soldiers..so now that i can show my gratitude..i will ..thanks...

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San Antonio, TX, United States
I love to observe the odd things happening around me as I go about my day. I especially like it when I can get a picture of people being themselves. Here, I attempt to report the various people and events I have encountered in my neighborhood, and my city. I'd also love to hear from you. Feel free to e-mail your experiences and photos of life in San Antonio.

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