
<a href="http://silvercreek78250.blogspot.com/">Dave</a>
Your Host

Saturday, May 16, 2009

GNW Library Friends Booksale...

My wife and I had to make a short detour from Saturday morning Garage Sailing due to much needed and welcome rain putting a damper things, and we found ourselves wandering in and around a huge collection of mysteries, bios, how-to, and children's books at the Great Northwest Library where the Library Friends are holding their annual book sale.Members Denise Barlow and and Camille Fiorello were on hand to take our money for the stack of books, tapes and CD's we picked up. There really was a huge selection, and apparently, people continue to bring new donations in throughout the sale. You know, you can donate books for this event year round by simply talking to the librarian on duty.As we looked through the stacks of books available for less than garage sale prices, we noticed one young reader trying to see what was available on the lower shelves.I already have a stack of books lined up that I pick up from garage sales and never seem to get around to reading, but for the price, how can you pass it up? The good news is that the money spent on these books will help the Library Friends in their mission to support our GNW branch.

The Library Friends event continues Sunday from 1 to 4pm.


yellowdoggranny said...

I just bought $40 worth of books from the West Library..I found some gems..I have a desease...I'm addicted to books..have 7 book cases crammed full of books..sigh*

brenty said...

I donate every year, but then I buy a lot every year too. Years ago, they were selling linen Library bags which could be used for subsequent sales by filling up the bag with books and you would just have to pay one price. So I did. The next time they had a sale, I got the evil eye for using it again. I hesitate using it anymore...

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San Antonio, TX, United States
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