I know a lot of you couldn't roll yourselves out of bed and make the short trip down to the Silver Creek Swimming Pool around Noon today, so I thought I'd share a little of the action with you.
And no, you won't see me or my wife splashing around in the clip. Are you kidding? Water temp was 52 degrees I am told, and we are pretty much not that adventurous, or crazy. But lots of folks jumped in and I only saw a few cheaters get out before they made it the full length of the pool.
I hope you made it through New Years Eve without incident or hangover and I thank you for starting off 2010 with a visit to Silver Creek 78250! Yesterday, was just full of weird. Thankfully, I had my camera. First, I pulled out of the parking lot of work yesterday only to have a coyote run directly in front of me. I knew it was a coyote because it didn't have mange, it wasn't malnourished, and nobody was calling the Express-News to report la Chupacabras. Then, I stopped into the HEB at 1604 & Culebra near Alamo Ranch and I saw this lady coming out of the store in her pajamas. Is this just the new thing? I know you can consider New Years Eve to be sort of like casual Friday, but not even slippers?
I got home and my wife told me that the registration for her truck was due. One of the things I like about the HEB near our house is, you can go in there and take care of all sorts of administrative things like registrations, garage sale permits, and that sort of thing. So, I drove down to the HEB and when I got in the parking lot, I pulled out my insurance paperwork to show proof of insurance. I looked, and for some reason, the paper I had only showed my vehicle, and not hers. WTH? So, saving myself the embarrassment of standing in line like an idiot, I turned around and drove home.
I jumped out of my truck and into her truck and drove back down to HEB. Now, standing in line like an idiot, I started to review the registration info and I saw a small little statement that tells me the truck needs new plates this year, and those plates can only be done by mail or in person at the Tax Collector's office. On New Years Eve.
I ran back home to consult the Internet and found there is a Tax office just up the road from us on Bandera and Guilbeau. I called to check the hours and in fact, they were open until 4:45PM on New Years Eve. I actually had a full hour! I drove to the place, parked, walked up to the door and saw a sign telling me that they are not able to accept credit cards at this time. I take that to include my bank card, so I turned around and drove to the first ATM I saw. Hear is a little note for readers and muggers alike. I never carry cash. I never have more than $5 or $10 on me at any time because I use my debit card for everything (though I never use it as a debit card, always as credit - I mention this just to avoid the e-mails from people warning me about fees). I go to a drive-up ATM and of course, it wouldn't accept my brand of card. WTH?
I found a nearby Iranian convenience store and used the ATM in there - of course for a $2.00 fee, and pulled out cash for the registration. I drove back to the tax office and got in line. It was a long line but it was moving remarkably quick for a governmental agency.
As I was standing in line, a woman behind me who had that Nancy Pelosi, a little too many face-lifts look to her tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to two black ladies at a counter. She asked me in a really thick German accent, if I noticed that they just walked in and skipped the line and went directly to the counter. I hadn't but suggested that perhaps there was some explanation that we in the line were not privy to. Did I mention that the line was moving remarkably fast? A minute later, she tapped me on the shoulder again and pointed to the tax guy at a counter sitting there without a customer. "Look at that fat guy with a huge gold medallion just sitting there. Don't these people realize we pay their salary? You could never get away with this in private industry." Just as I started to tell her that I thought the customer he was with had run out to his car to grab his checkbook or something (remember the no credit card thing?) the customer walked up with his check book.
Thankfully, the line was moving quickly and I was able to leave the whiner and get the new plates for my wife's truck in less than probably 10 minutes total. On the way home, I was driving down Tezel when something on the back of a motorcycle caught my eye. I could see it bobbing back and forth so I zoomed in on the camera to get a better look. How safety conscious is that? The little doggy has his own helmet and his own goggles!
And with that, here is too a safe and enjoyable, and strange 2010.
We go to these cleaners that are located just down the street from our house in the HEB Shopping center at Cross Creek (I know; I had no idea it was called Cross Creek either). Anyway, the folks there do fairly good work and the employees are generally friendly.
I have often been concerned that every time I go in and there is this one girl behind the counter, she has a really disinterested look on her face, almost to the point of rolling her eyes that I would even come in. I've told my wife several times that I think I am the victim of being stereotyped as a creepy middle-aged pervert or something. I mean, why else would the one girl not be friendly, when all the other employees are so nice?
Well, we may have had a break-through today. My wife texted me that I needed to pick up some stuff from the cleaners, so I went in with receipt in hand and waited while a nicely dressed gentleman, complete with blue-tooth earpiece waited for the girl to find his pants. As he waited, he occasionally chatted with his wife or mother or someone on the phone. It was really weird, as if he he just stays connected to the person on the other end and they trade occasional comments to one another. Unlimited minutes, I guess.
So the girl finds the pants and naturally, I start to move forward so I can hand her my ticket so we can get my stuff. Just then, the man says, "Wait just a second, we better take a look at these. They've been lost for two weeks; no telling what may have happened."
So I'm thinking to myself that he is going to look for stains or something, but instead he grabs the pants and holds them up to his waist. Turns out they had been sent in for alterations. He looks at the girl, then looks at me, then states, "There is no way these are 32 inches, they are way too long." I think to myself, "What say you go try them on and I'll just pick up my laundry."
The man then goes into some sort of rant about how they had been lost for two weeks and now, they clearly were not altered properly and by God, he had specifically told the other person they needed to be 32 inches long. As he said all this, the girl calmly walked to another counter, grabbed a tape measure and laid the pants flat on the counter. She then asked him how many inches he wanted the pants altered and he responded, "32 inches". She then placed the tape at the top of the inseam and measured down to the very bottom of the pants leg. 32 inches, exactly.
The man then looked at her and laughed, saying, "What is this, a joke?" He then went on to tell her that you always measure from the top waistband of the pants down to the bottom of the leg. He even looked at me as if to get some encouragement.
I try not to get involved in these things, but I just looked at him and said, "Have you ever heard the term, inseam?" He looked at me like I was choosing sides or something and then started to babble on about how every fine clothing place he had ever been to, they measured the inseam from the outside pants leg starting at the top of the waist. So again I could not help myself and I said, "Okay, you know that there is about 12 inches from the waist to the bottom of your crotch, and they cut exactly 32 inches from there. If they cut 32 inches from the waist, that would put your cuffs just below your knees. Can you say Capri's?"
The guy then muttered something into his blue-tooth device, and I suspect that was all the conversation he wanted from me. He then grabbed his pants and walked out saying that he would deal with the manager.
And with that, the girl at the counter suddenly smiled. And when she rolled her eyes at me, this time, it was to signify that the other guy was nuts. And I went home and told my wife that we have had a breakthrough in the laundry situation.
Finally! We can mark this one off the list. It has almost become a joke that every time we head out to look for a place to try, I always suggest the 410 Diner, and we end up with either some excuse for not going or we come up with someplace more worthwhile before we get from our side of town to Broadway. Admittedly, one of the issues is the coupon they have in the Entertainment Book. It is only good for after 5, and we are usually just looking for lunch. But this time, in spite of going down a list of several other places, we made it to the parking lot of the 410 Diner without diverting elsewhere.
The first thing that shocked me when I walked in was that our host asked us if we wanted smoking or non-smoking. I haven't been asked that in a while that I can recall. Then when we requested non-smoking, we were led to a smaller enclosed dining area. For a moment, I thought we had been misunderstood, but sure enough, there were no ashtrays or smokers. But come to think of it, it may have all been a big joke, because I did not see a single smoker, or smell a single cigarette our entire visit. Who knows? The second thing that shocked me was the bathroom. Just kidding. That was actually outside the window on an adjacent property. I like the place. Very Arthur Fonzarelli in style, with a little more upscale feel than Lulu's on Main. Lots to look around at, old posters and those newer signs that have little neon highlights. The booths have very tall seat backs so you aren't looking at the head of the guy in the booth in front of you. While they have an interesting menu, our waitress plopped down a dry eraser board with all the current specials and the huge selection of vegetables. I suspect this place would be very well liked by any of our vegan readers. We had a nice lady with an accent that seemed British, but would occasionally drift into some sort of Slavic sound. Who knows, maybe she is an actress working on a part. Either way, she was very matter of fact, quick and efficient. My son was with us, and he decided on a Pepper Chicken which was chicken breast, some bell pepper, covered with cheese and Parmesan. For sides, he got broccoli and cabbage. For a minute, I wondered who had abducted our son, but when he only picked at the cabbage, I knew it was him. My wife went with the Chicken Fried Steak, a solid choice though she was concerned about it having too much gravy. Too much gravy? The Hell you say! She also had mashed potatoes with gravy and some cooked carrots. She really enjoyed the CFS but she felt like the carrots were a bit bland. I tossed a bunch of salt on them and they taste fine to me. I opted for a seafood platter, substituting oysters for additional shrimp. Yum! I know this is going to sound bold, but the shrimp alone was worth the price of the entire seafood platter. They were simply awesome. The fish did not look as appealing, but actually tasted just fine along with the creamy tarter sauce. The Seafood Platter comes standard with Cloe slaw and curly fries. In hindsight, I could have swapped out the fries for some green beans. I bet they would have been yummy. But look at the size of that curly fry! To go along with our huge lunch, they brought us out a plate full of cornbread. I don't think it was just out of the oven fresh, but it was good, especially slathered with real butter. I can actually feel myself getting fatter just thinking about it. In the end, we were all pretty stuffed and pleased with lunch. I think I would have enjoyed sitting in the front of the place, just to enjoy a little more of the atmosphere, but I guess you have to be a smoker to earn that privilege. Even as we left and stopped to chat with some folks up front, I still never did smell a hint of cigarette smoke. Maybe they have a really good ventilation system, or maybe people just don't smoke when the eat anymore.
I am guessing the 410 Diner puts on an awesome breakfast, so we are going to have to add them right back onto the list so I can go in and try out the biscuits and some of the nutritious bacon I'm sure they serve. Have you been; do you know what the deal is with the lack of smokers in the smoking area? Your comments would help us figure it out!
During my wife's recent adventure out and about with her camera at the ready, she, along with her mother and nephew in tow, checked out the coolness at Krazy Vatos, then stopped in to check out some cool cars at San Antonio Shoes on Zarzamora. Of course, all that excitement generates an appetite, so when one is in the area, why not lunch at Western Broiler on Kirk? It has been years since I was in Western Broiler, but it used to be a favorite meeting place for lunch. Located at Frio City Road and Kirk Place, it isn't far from the old Kelly AFB (now Port San Antonio), and they would do a brisk lunch business and get people in and out of there in a hurry. I always had the fish lunch, so I'm not sure I even know what else they serve. Inside, the place looks about the same it did probably when it was opened, who knows, 50 years ago? But that is part of the charm. Need to pee, gotta head outside. I think that cuts down on the over indulgence of iced tea refills. Like many of the places we enjoy, Western Broiler still has the old style seating at the counter. This is great for the person who wants to dine alone or the regular who needs to catch up on the latest gossip with the waitstaff. On this little lunch outing, the lunch would be about the same. My wife had the fish lunch with fries and a small salad (which has always been good). My mother-in-law opted for the green beans (which I love) and the mashed potatoes with gravy. Both had corn bread with lunch. Mmmm, smell the lovely blue tree. Along for the ride and lunch, my nephew picked up the cheeseburger and I am told it was a solid substitute for the standard Happy Meal action he might have expected. Oh, and on a final note, if you like tarter sauce with your fish, they will give you all you need. But please, put it on the fish, don't just eat it from the bowl. Geeze, Gramma, we can't take you anywhere!
Have you been to Western Broiler? What is your favorite lunch, or are you more of a biscuits for breakfast type? Tell us about it in the comments below.
We continue to try to use our Entertainment Book to take advantage of the deals on lunch and often this is a deciding factor in where we end up eating. Today, my wife and I took a drive with our son (in town seeking refuge from the OKC snowstorm and Christmas), and decided on trying out Bubba's, a place we drive by each time we pass the airport. Even if you have a coupon, there is no guarantee they will take it. Especially if a bulldozer has leveled the place. See that pile of rubble just in front of the hotel? That is Bubba's. Or I should say, that was...
I just love how people take this special time of the year to bend over backwards in an effort to display goodwill toward their fellow man. How thoughtful of all the shoppers at Ingram Park Mall (why I would even go there is still a mystery), to allow this one person to take two full parking spots for his compact size car. I know, shoppers everywhere understand the need for a guy in his little Honda to avoid nicks to the paint or the possibility of anyone brushing up against it as they load packages into their own cars. People in our fair village are just that kind and thoughtful.
Frankly, I hope the jerk gets a lump of coal in his stocking, and perhaps a flat tire.
I love to observe the odd things happening around me as I go about my day. I especially like it when I can get a picture of people being themselves. Here, I attempt to report the various people and events I have encountered in my neighborhood, and my city. I'd also love to hear from you. Feel free to e-mail your experiences and photos of life in San Antonio.