My good neighbor Gus and I constantly talk about the disgrace that has come of the skateboard park set-up for our area youth in the name of a fallen police officer, Oscar Perez.
While many people may dismiss the graffiti as art or the tagging as a reflection of pride by the skaters, I think those of us over the age of 12 see it as the BS it is: Vandalism.
So, you know how I feel about it; no need to ramble on. But, I was happy to see that someone is apparently doing something to combat this crime.
Read about it here. And assuming that WOAI-TV will discard the link within a short time, the gist of it is that there is an "undercover plan to crack down on 'tagging' around the city".
The report goes on to tell us how bad the problem really is. They say that, "This year, the city will clean up nearly a million square feet of infrastructure in and around San Antonio neighborhoods."
Am I the only person who thinks we need to issue pellet guns to residents along with a Get Out Of Jail Free Card? I mean, seriously? Are you telling me that you are cool with some punk expressing himself on your fence, car, or public park?
Let's see how things work out for our park.
If you happen to see the little taggers - please, take a picture, get a name or follow them to an address. I'd like to interview a few of them.